Part 3
This part of the project is completed. Read the book - Conscience Therapy: Unveiling the Power of Spirituality in Conscientious Transformation. It is based on the evidence provided from the studies in Part 1 and Part 2. The former is already achieved (See Part 1 and Book) leading to the establishment of three core areas of conscience therapy which underline the work that is to be done in relation to conscience. These three areas may be identified as the triple ‘E’ process of change related to conscience, namely, enlightenment, empowerment and edification.
Enlightenment is the process of understanding conscience’s nature, functioning and states before and during the addiction. Conscience as the internal moral agent guiding choices and decisions in the right direction requires source of ultimate correctness, righteousness and justice as well as a source of love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. This source is found in spirituality as relationship with God who personifies these characteristics. Hence the conscience being suppressed and inactive during addiction needs empowerment. The latter is achieved through spiritual transformation. The process of empowerment of conscience is undertaken through exploration and facilitation for spiritual transformation. Finally, the empowered conscience is guided through the process of edification during which its nature and functioning are shaped through active spiritual formation in understanding and applying spiritual principles shaped through moral, ethical and relational dynamics. With the contribution of Part 2 the triple ‘E’ process will be further elaborated and defined leading to the formulation of conscience therapy which will be both historically established and evidentially defined.