Part 2
This part is completed. It is published under the title: Conscience in Recovery from Drug Addiction: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Spiritual Conscientious Transformation for the Formulation of Conscience Therapy. Its goal is to analyse the role of conscience in recovery from drug addiction providing evidential grounds for development of conscience therapy for substance misuse. The introduction provides a historical overview of conscience and its relationship to morality, spirituality and recovery from drug addiction. The next stage of the research explores the meaning of conscience in its traditions and its relationships. In light of this background the research rationale is established. Methodologically the study will employ similar framework as in Part 1 (This is published as a book: Conscience in recovery from alcohol addiction). Narrative Analysis (NA) will establish the design and the means for data analysis. Six participants are recruited according to the established criteria related to their addiction, spirituality and recovery backgrounds. These are interviewed through semi-structured episodic interview. The interviews are transcribed and analysed by the use of relevant hardware and software and through the utilisation of NA. The results are provided in two formats, namely, holistic presentation of the narratives and their main characteristics as well as detailed analysis of the stories articulating the themes which underpin and further shape the conceptually formulated research rationale. The results is studied in light of the specialised literature to identify the nature and functioning of conscience, its state during addiction, its impact by the spiritual transformation and role in the recovery from drug addiction. This leads to formulating the foundations of conscience therapy. The research is completed with summary and conclusion.