Part 1
This first part of the project studied the role of conscience in recovery from alcohol addiction. The consideration of the field identified deficiencies to be managed through the study of conscience and its influence through spirituality on progressive recovery. The research focused on clarifying the important relationships of the aforementioned concepts. The methodological design was formulated through Narrative Analysis which provided the framework for the collection of data, its analysis and articulation in the discussion. Twelve participants defined by the similarities in their addiction and recovery backgrounds but diverse in their personal demographic characteristics were interviewed through the use of semi-structured interview protocol. Their stories were analysed and established the results which evidenced that the addiction suppressed conscience has been rejuvenated by the experience of spiritual transformation defined through personal divine encounter and relationship. In light of the specialised literature the discussion identified the significance of the spiritual impact on conscience and the latter crucial role in the recovery from alcohol addiction. The conscientious spiritual transformation shaped not only the individual’s recovery but also redefined life structures and purpose, formed virtuous character and underpinned one’s wellbeing. This established the foundation for developing conscience therapy as evidence-based treatment for facilitating spiritual conscientious transformation and progressive recovery from substance misuse.
The whole study is published in a book, Zhekov, Y. K. Conscience in recovery from alcohol addiction: Exploring the role of spirituality in conscientious transformation. Foreword by Professor Geoffrey M. Stephenson. (378 pages). Eugene, Oregon: Resource Publications, 2013.
If you want to read in detail about the development of the first part of the conscience therapy project consider purchasing the book.