
The present study will be managed in eight stages:

1. Approval of the project proposal: development, submission, presentation and approval of the project proposal by the University.

2. Obtaining ethical clearance: completion and submission of the necessary documents to the Ethics committee.

3. Recruiting of the participants: the present website, through communication with colleagues and clients and with the assistance of relevant treatment agencies. My current clients are excluded from the participants due to the conflict of interest.

4. Interviewing of the participants: The interviews are scheduled directly with the interviewees and where necessary through the relevant treatment agencies. The interviews are held on safe locations provided by the involved agencies. They will last between 1-1.5 hours. Interviews will start with documentation followed by introduction, unstructured development of personal story, structured questions and complete with debriefing.

5. Transcribing of the interviews: This stage is completed through the use of relevant software tools (See Apparatus).

6. Analysing the data: This stage is undertaken on a holistic level through analysis of the stories as literary units and on a detailed level through coding and annotating their themes with the use of MAXQDA (See Apparatus).

7. Writing the report: the final stage will involve consideration of the results and discussion with the use of the relevant secondary literature.

8. Developing the principles and outline of conscience therapy: The results from the first study (Zhekov, 2013) and the present one will be utilised to formulate a new model of treatment, conscience therapy. This will be the latest part of the discussion providing also directions for future studies.